Thursday, September 26, 2013


This week has been a pretty good one. The storm that we had last week was a lot bigger than we originally knew. I guess during the seahawks game on tv that night there was a tornado warning watch and we found that out like  or 4 days later... But there wasn't an actual tornado so that is good. the accompanying town had winds up to like 80-90 miles an hour.

This week was pretty good! Can't complain when i get to have so many spiritual experiences and help people grow faith in Christ.
I have been reading in the Book of Mormon (surprising right?) and I finally got to the point where Christ has come to the Americas!! So excited, i will soon get to read about Christ's teachings in the Book of Mormon that testifies of what he taught in the bible. I love looking up cross references that take you to verses that are almost word for word in the bible and the Book of Mormon. I have especially been focusing on the blessing of having the ability to understanding what i am reading. I have run into many people who can't read here or people whose reading skills are very minimal, and although i can't say reading is my favorite thing, i am say that i am grateful for my ability to read an now can see it as a great blessing. Something i think i definitely took for granted up to this point in my life. But slowly by slowly i am learning from the Book of Mormon.

Also cool experience form the Book of Mormon. Today was when Christ came to the Americas. When he came there was a voice that came and it came 3 times before the people understood it, but it wasn't the voice that changed. Every time, the voice was the same, it was loud or thundering, but it says the third time the people did open their ears to hear it. So, the Lord and Heavenly Father are always willing to answer, sometimes we just need to be willing to listen and "opening our ears" to be able to receive the answer.

We have had some really cool experiences here. During Harvest we do a lot of acting on faith because honestly it is hard to have set appointments because work schedules are totally dependent on the crops and the weather. The Lord is on our side and leads us along. The people here are super humble. Especially a lot of the field workers. I look at many of the people here and see their humble circumstances and am grateful for my parents who provide for me and encourage me to go to school and chase my dreams. Yet i have also been taught to work hard. Which is good, because the missionary work here is a never ending adventure.

We had a really cool experience this week with a church tour this week. We met Elario when his firend Eleno brought him to a lesson. He had many questions and opinions and we had a great discussion. We invited him to come see the church and come to the English classes there. He agreed and although we didn't actually get into the church, we had a great discussion with him. Our branch President told him about the Book of Mormon while we went to go grab some things and even though we were outside being eaten alive by mosquitoes (seriously my legs look like i have chicken pox.) we had a great spiritual experience. He said that since the last time we visited with him, about a week, he had had 4 dreams about our church and he figures that means something. He is excited to learn more and is super awesome. he even said if we ever needed help cleaning the church or is our car broke down and we needed help to give him a call.
Life is full of these little miracles if we are looking for them. i know that to be true. Thanks to all who send their love and support. it all helps. I love the Gospel, i Love our Savior and i Love all of you!! Have a great week!
Con Amor,
Hermana Ray

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Hola Familia,
It has been another week full of walking working hard, and running from dogs...

Monday after i emailed we got to go on a tour of the Jerry Allred's
Dairy. It was actually really interesting. I am such a nerd. It was
fun, we got to milk a cow, i am pro.I am trying to embrace the farm
life. It is actually going pretty well.

We have had some great lessons and i have been thinking on the power
of a testimony. As we sit there and talk to people about beliefs and
about how we can grow our faith in Christ, it is reflected back to me.
If I have that faith in Jesus Christ than i can help them increase
there own faith. This week it has been the power of the Restoration of
the gospel. Twice this week as we were talking about the first vision
and telling of Joseph Smith's experience, they were actively
listening. One specific experience as i was telling the story and
holding a picture of the first vision. The lady we were teaching was
shelling green tomatoes, and she was putting them into a bowl. During
this time, she kept missing the bowl because her eyes were glued to
the picture of Joseph Smith seeing God and Jesus Christ. It was
awesome. It just makes so much sense to me that we would have a
prophet now. I love telling the first vision. Ironically i am much
better at telling it in Spanish and to tell it in English i have to
translate it in my head. The gospel is true! We are so lucky to have
the same church that Jesus Christ established when he was on the
Earth. I am so grateful that God loves us enough to let the church
come back to the earth and to call some one to lead and guides us.

One other great thing that is happening is the last few weeks i have
been getting compliments on my Spanish and i feel like i can have an
almost normal conversation. The just as i think that, i am humbled
enough to talk to someone that i can't understand at all. But i love
the Spanish language! Yesterday i became the translator in Relief
society, because there is a sister in the branch that doesn't speak
spanish, here husband has a calling in the branch and she is awesome
and goes to everything in Spanish and knows all of the women pretty
well, but i was asked to translate so she could understand and respond
to questions. It was pretty cool.

I know, i know, the only thing any of you really want to read is about
the dogs right? It isn't all that exciting. This week we just haven't
had luck with the dogs. One day we had one jumping all over us,
nipping at my hands, jumping in and out of the canal getting us all
dirty and no one knew who he belonged to!! ugh.... The next day, my
compaion got bit by a different dog, and it was at a place we have
been many times!! What in the world? Ya, luckily he didn't get her too
good. Then later that night we almost got bitten again! A dog being
chained up here is like being in arizona all summer and not swimming.
(Rare) To top it off, the day my companion got bit we got locked out
of our house! (and we don't get phone service at our house..) It was
such a crazy and adventerous day! we managed to break in though.
Hermana Heninger and i never fail to find adventure.

I also got to speak at church on Sunday in our English ward. Bishop
asked us to speak on how conference has changed our life.... At first
i thought he was kidding. We are both here because of the announcement
made in conference. But while i was trying to figure out what to share
i was thinking about how Grandpa calls the conference Ensign the
urimum & thumum. And then i got into the story of the Liahona. And i
decided that conference is like our liahona because it is guidance
given from the Lord, but it will only work according to our faith and
diligence. If we are actively looking for guidance from conference and
are faithful and obedient, we will find it. If we treat it like it is
just another thing to watch on tv, then thats what it will be. Buckle
up get ready, conference is coming. so excited!

I love you all i hope you are having as great of a time as i am! We
had a crazy storm last night that put all the power out in othello,
which is the neighboring town. It was crazy. horizontal rain and
lightning and for like 3 hours straight! So fun. Love you all, have a
great week and remember to be awesome!

Con Amor,
Hermana Ray

Friday, September 13, 2013


Hola Familia!
It again has been another great week of learning and growth. The Lord has helped me out more than I ever could have imagined.
The work here is slow but steady. Harvest is in full swing. It is a great thing, you are all welcome for the apples that come from here in Washington. Crazy thing happened the other day. We have been having some good storms this week, one of them had thunder and lightning like an Arizona storm and i was in Heaven... except when we were running down a hill full of puncture vine (like the thorns we get in our backyard, they are everywhere here!) being pelted by dirt. Good times, laughing the whole time we are running. Anyway after this rain storm, the next morning we woke up and were going to go for a run, until we looked outside and couldn't see all the way down our driveway! Granted our neighbors houses aren't super close, but we couldn't see anything in any direction. it was weird... surrounded by a white mist rather than being able to see farms for miles.
As i am learning the ways of rural missionary work, the Lord has surely blessed us. We find ourselves working and working and a miracle or spiritual experience always follows. sometimes we don't recognize it right away, but it always happens.
We have continued to get to know everyone here in the ward as we are here. Even people who aren't members of the church recognize us a new and ask us what happened to the Elders. It has been a good experience being in a town where everyone knows everyone. We were knocking doors in pretty much the only neighborhood there is here and many of the people who talked to us knew exactly who the 3 members of the church are in that neighborhood, where they live, and how nice they are. It was cool to see that the light of Christ and their example can help others see that light.
It seemed like everyone we talked to this week was talking about how the world is in a very sad place and all the wars and unfairness in the world right now. They said that if everyone was like us and out doing hat we are doing that this world would be a much better place and that more people need God in their life. DING! DING! DING! winner! i just want to tell them they are exactly right and we have a message that can help them do that! They don't quite connect the dots yet but they are moving in the right direction.
Yesterday was really good. we had a regional broadcast where Elder Hales and Elder Perry spoke and i got the important parts. Everyone that spoke stressed the importance of Family Home Evening and tithing. It was mentioned in all 4 talks. I sensed a theme, and if i am picking up themes in Spanish, you know it must be important! And it is true, we can receive blessings for doing these things in our lives. I can't say that i was perfect or that i was always happy to be at family home evening, but looking back up to now i can see how strong our family is and i bet it has something to do with always growing up knowing how important family is.
Later we taught a lesson in English and Spanish... At the same time. Owen, Darone, and Andres met up for a lesson and Darone is like the middle man. Andres understands maybe 30% English and Owen know maybe 3 words in Spanish. Darone speaks a jumble up of both so we took turns teaching parts of the Restoration in English and Spanish. It was definitely an interesting experience. 
We also go to teach the Plan of Salvation yesterday, and I Love the Plan of Salvation. It is a different view on the world, but to me there is no other way to view it. It really does give me hope for what happens after this life and my purpose here on the Earth. TO learn and grow and try to be like Jesus Christ. The man we were teaching had lots of questions, you could tell that he was thinking and evaluating his life as we were teaching him. it was so awesome. God is seriously like the ultimate puzzle master. to look back and see how our day was planned and how things literally fall into place and give us the strength and encouragement in our efforts. I am grateful for the opportunity i have to serve him and learn from people from all over.
The last little experience i want to share is about the power of a question. We had the opportunity to sit and talk to a girl about our age and as she began to ask us questions and we were open and honest about our answers (even if that meant that we had to say we didn't know) she began to open up and both chances we have talked with her, the questions get more and more gospel related as she becomes comfortable with us. I never would have thought that answering a question as simple as what i did before my mission or where i have served or simple questions about the missionary life could open people up to asking questions like how can i have a desire to go to church or how do you know what is actually right or what is just a belief and what you should follow? It as an awesome opportunity that kept me on my toes and caused me to reflect on what i know to be true.
I will leave you with a quote that i fell in love with this week. probably because i lifeguard or something.... "If you are drowning in the events of life, do not fear because your lifeguard walks on water"
I love you all! Have a great week! Love the Lord and Always Smiling!
Hermana Ray

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Hola Familia!
Things here in Royal City are going pretty great. I have been so blessed and have definitely been counting my very many blessings.
The members here have continued to be awesome, every other day we have someone new coming up to us and asking us to tell them when they can come out with us. It is truly amazing! Members are becoming so active in the missionary work it is awesome.
Funny thing that happened this week, we were driving home the other night and i felt like i was in the star wars ride at Disneyland when you are going through warp speed. why? because that is what it looked like. There were a crazy amount of bugs! Not kidding!

So this week i have learned something that will likely impact the rest of my mission. We were having a training on talking to people outside of their door and how when we introduce ourselves people become really closed off really fast because they think we are trying to convert them. Well we talked a lot about talking about being representatives of our Savior Jesus Christ rather than being missionaries from a church. It totally changed the way i view talking to people. It opens up the conversation to Jesus Christ and it has really been awesome. As we were talking to people, we tried to make sure that they knew we were there to help. One man after we knocked on his door was very reluctant to be talking to us (as most people here right now are because of harvest, very busy) and as we were leaving, i asked him if there was any questions that we could focus on the next time we came back and reluctantly he answered and asked us about heaven and how you could know whose view or ideas about heaven were right. It was so amazing, it was one of those little miracles. Also on Saturday we found a neighborhood to knock!!  It was awesome! As we were going through, towards the end of our journey we knocked a door and a lady answered and as we told her about sharing messages about Christ she was very closed off, right after my companion asked if anyone she knew neeeded service and she said no. Jokingly (sort of) my companion said that we were really good at pulling weeds. She asked us how much that would be and when we told her free she thought we were kidding. It gave us a great opportunity to  talk about service and trying to be like Jesus Christ both in word and in action. By the time we left her door the entire attitude of the conversation changed and we were able to testify about the thing that is most important and that is Jesus Christ.
We had interviews with President Ware this week. It is always good to talk with him and have an opportunity to receive strength and guidance from others. We had a great chat and he motivated me to continue to learn and grow and be a better missionary in every way. We talked about talents and how we could use ours to become better missionaries and how the gifts of the spirit that they talk about in the scriptures are some of the spiritual talents that we can develop. And i don't think it is any coincidence that i ended up teaching gospel principles this Sunday on talents.
Another cool thing that has happened here is that our ward just sent off a sister missionary last week, and everyone knows this girl. It has been a huge opportunity to talk about missionary service and open up everyone to talking about Jesus Christ. She has been a great help to us here and she doesn't even know it! Plus in general, people ask us questions about our life as a missionary. People have been asking us questions, and it has been fun to talk with them and get them thinking about what is important in life.
The event of the week: Owen's Baptism!!! He has been working with the missionaries for quite a bit here and was baptized and confirmed yesterday. I think i have mentioned him in emails before, but he is really awesome. He was so ready to be baptized. His baptism was amazing, there were so many members there supporting him. The spirit was there and strong the whole time. The closing song was The Spirit of God and Owen had never heard it, well, i hope he made the connection to that song and what had just happened. There are almost no words to describe it but amazing. After, we were talking to Andres, one of Owen's friends that we are teaching and he said he only understood about 30% of it, since he speaks mostly Spanish, but he could feel it 100%. He said after he learns more that he would want this too. He had gone to both Darone and Owen's baptisms plus one other and every time his desire to learn has grown a little stronger. I imagine that when i am looking back on my mission that this will be one of those nights that i will never forget.
It has been a great week and I feel very blessed to be a servant of the Lord. Thank you all for your love and your prayers. Hope you all have a great week!
Hermana Ray