Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Hola Familia!!
It is a pretty crazy time to be a missionary! But I am sure everyone will be starting to see the changes. The broadcast was really good. I hope you guys all enjoyed watching it. Our leaders sure do give insight. If you felt a prompting on someone who needs to hear the gospel, follow it, what's the worst that can happen?
Pasco has been pretty rainy this week. It is sooo random though. one day it is 90 degrees and the next thing you know we don't see the sun for a few days. It is some pretty crazy stuff. But i actually haven't minded the rain too much. Yesterday we were tracting in the rain and a guy goes, "don't you think there is a better time to be doing that?".. But we do it everyday so oh well.
My new companion is Hermana McBride from Salt Lake City. She is a big ball of energy. I am probably the least outspoken of the three of us. Crazy right? But it is good. They both have really strong testimonies. And she also has bloonde hair. so sometime people say "oh i no speak english" to try to get us to go away cause no one thinks we can speak spanish. Every time, no one expects it out of two blondes and a red head it is weird.
I had my first interesting food experience of my mission. I am not sure what it was called. It was soup that had Shrimp (still shelled), octopus, and muscles... It hit me like a truck i wasn't expecting it. But i got it all down and was finally relieved when i had it finished when she came and refilled my bowl!! The funniest part was when i first got it, I physically didn't know how to eat it!! I was like am i supposed to peel the legs off or what?? It was definitely a new experience for me.

We have been working really hard to find people to teach and get the members involved. It is a work in progress. As things change so do we. Never underestimate the a members testimony can make. People expect it as missionaries for us to testify, but you are "normal people" and it brings an extra element.
I think my favorite quote of the broadcast was from Elder Neil A Anderson:"Every work we do should start on our knees" and that is for sure. If we try to include Heavenly Father every where in our lives, He can then come into every part of our lives. such a blessing.
As for the subject of this email: i was reading a conference talk entitled "Beautiful Morning" and it tells a story about a guy hearing someone singing this song at the top of his lungs on this miserable day.... I thought of you mom. But it made me smile. He then ended with the fact that we should wake up every morning and say, Oh What Beautiful Morning! So that is what i think everyone should try to do. I am working on that everyday of my life.
We have a few pretty cool investigators right now, they are all very different but our message can help all of them. It doesn't matter who you are, the gospel is the same, i think that is so cool! We had a lesson this week and as we were talking to him. We were thinking that his wife was the interested one. So when he said that his wife was busy we thought about rescheduling and coming back a different day. Instead we sat down started talking to him and asked him why he invited us to come back. His response wasn't what we were expecting. He told us about the terrible day he was having and how when we knocked on the door and told him who we were it was like God was knocking on his head. He then said he could see truth in our eyes as we testified and that he was hoping to find that. Such a cool experience!! You truely never know who is ready for the gospel.
Another great week to be a servant of the Lord. I hope everyone knows how much i love my Savior Jesus Christ. He is seriously the best. Have a great week!!!
Con Amor,
Hermana Ray

Monday, June 17, 2013

Hola Familia!
Wow it sounds like Home is just a whole lot of fun craziness, glad to here you are all keeping busy. I am trying to do the same.
This week was pretty great. No complaints. Everyone here talks about how hot it is outside.... Well ok the sun is pretty good up here, but it still get pretty cool at night and hot here is like 90's. SO i don't really complain about the weather cause it feels wonderful. Haha tan line are coming. Just not in the same way they used to. I will always remember to choose the right cause that is probably my best tan line right now.
Transfers are this upcoming week and i am not going anywhere. I will be staying in the WKM (Washington Kennewick Mission) and Pasco as well. Same companion but there will be an addition to our companionship as well. SO we will be a trio. Lots of fun. Her nbame is Hermana McBride, who happens to be the other Hermana that Hermana Pierce trained. so it will be lots of fun. There will also be 2 english sisters in our area, which will total up to 7 sisters in our zone... Which is a lot. Exciting times.
I had a really cool experience this week. We were knocking doors in Richland, we don't go to Richland often cause not very many of the people we teach live there. Plus we always get lost in Richland. BUt we had no idea where we were and pulled over to a random place and started knocking these aparments. They turned out to be pretty empty and the doors that did open weren't the nicest, but... We did run into one lady and it was such a cool experience. We asked her is she had ever heard of our church before and she said yes and that she had researched it. (Oh goody) But it turns out in the religion she grew up in she was taught not to think very nice about Mormons and she had a grandmother who was a member and she just couldn't believe that her grandma was a bad person. SO she ended up going to Mormon.org for her research. We asked her if she any questions and she said no, but as we continued talking about Jesus Christ and bearing testimony of little things that we knew were true. After we would bear testimony she would open up and ask a question. We answered all of her questions and basically by the end of our chat had taught her all about the restoration of the gospel, the Book of Mormon and the Plan of Salvation. It was awesome!! She had never heard a belief in the Plan of Salvation like ours before and was interested. So hopefully she will continue to learn.
We are working hard here trying to bring people to church and back to church and its is good. There are lots of missionaries in this area so we have to be strategic as to not all be knocking on the same doors. But it is going really good here in Washington. I will be here in Pasco for another 8 weeks at least. We have a longer transfer so we aren't all moving around the same week the new mission president gets here.
I have also been studying Christ-like Attributes.. I have a lot of work to do to be like him. But that is life right? always trying to be like the Savior.

I love you all and i know that I am serving my Savior Jesus Christ and that his message is for everyone. There is no one outside of the reach of the Saviors arms. Every person is a Child of God and he knows every single one of us. Have a great week, and continue on in your adventures!!!
Con Amor,
Hermana Ray

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hola Familia!!
It is so good to hear that the cousins are doing well and readjusting back to houses that are more than sleeping places.

Work here in Pasco is going really good. Mom, don't be deceived by the green grass right by the river is maintained because it is a jogging path and a park. They also have a boat racing place and a very nice horse track right by where I live. But it must not be the season for either cause we haven't seen anything happening in either place.
The work is definately going good. Sometimes I feel that all we do all day is talk to people. We have been working on building our teaching pool and hopefully it will keep progressing.
Crazy experience dor the week. Folks I have invited some people to be baptized. It has been interesting to hear the responses. But we put our first person on date for baptism!!!! Her name is Dalia and she is pretty cool. I am so excited for her. And as crazy as it was about baptism before really learning anything of the Restoration, there is more. Yesterday my companion and I had every lesson go through and every back up for those lessons go through.... We honestly had no where else to go. So we pulled out our scriptures and took at little spiritual break cause we had no idea where to go. My comp read Proverbs 3:5-6 and i opened to Galatians 5:22?? I think. Grandpa shared it with me in a letter. It talks about how the Spirit talks to us. Well we obviously needed to take it to God. We offered a pray together and because of that we stayed at the apartments we were at and went to a specific building that didn't follow any order. As we were walking there we ran into our ward misison leader who was going to visit his "mom" (like me going to visit Sis. J) and he invited us to come along. We had a great conversation about prayer and as we were talking to her we found out that it was Dalia's friend that she had been tellling us about!! She had gone to church with them before... Seriously, what are the chances of that happening? But it was great because now we have invited both of them to a relief society activity and hopefully we can teach them together and they can build off of one another. The Heavens are open and we can receive answers from God. Just sayin.
As for 2 hour church, Lisa hate to break it to you but if they are doing that it is not in Pasco. Actually I have no idea i haven't heard of anything and I also go to church in Spanish every week and understand less than half of what is going on. But it is getting better. My companion really pushes me to improve my Spanish in a good way.
Another quick funny story.. real quick. We had to wash our car today but have no hose. Honestly we don't have a whole lot of anything. We washed it using our mop bucket (dish-soapy water), pots (rinsing water), and rags.. it was pretty impressive.

I will continue working hard to be the best missionary i can be. If i ever need a pick me up i read my conference Ensign or the friend or monthly Ensign and it motivates me to keep working hard and pushing forward.

I am kind of getting used to the food and amounts i have to eat. I ate 6 tostadas for dinner the other day and i thought they would never end!!! But i also depend on myself for fruits and veggies, scary right??? So since i have been missing it i bought myself a watermelon today, it was great!! And will be even better when its cold! Reminds me of summer.
I also got a sunburn for the first time this week. Summer burn, got to love it. But since i am a missionary it was only on half of my body from facing the sun in a certain way all day, like walking or standing at a door. But thats ok. I am so glad to hear emma is doing so good at the swimming pool, she is such a little fish (so proud.. sniff sniff..)
Well i love you all, thanks for the prays, thoughts, and letters. I am happy because i am a servant of the Lord!! Love you all!! A la obra
Con Amor,
Hermana Ray

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hola Familia!
First off... I wrote 2 eamils last week but I guess one of them didn't get sent, so I just sent it. Hopefully there wasn't anything crazy missing. I hope you are alll doing great sounds like it! Welcome home Elder Smith and Elder Jackson, I can't believe you guys are already home!
The work here in Pasco is great fun. Every day we work we usually end up on some kind of adventure. Mostly due to the new area or incorrect addresses from Elders teaching records. But it has lead to teaching some lessons that probably wouldn't have been found otherwise.
I thought i mentioned this but my companion is Hermana Pierce from Santa Rosa, California. She is good. She has been out for exactly 6 months longer than I have so that is fun. I have already learned a lot from her and luckily we can both laugh at our mistakes and look on the bright side of rough situations.

The people here great. They are really humble. Most of the people we work with work in the fields or orchards, like apples or cherries. They work so hard I am so impressed. The members are really funny at least from what i can understand. We get fed by the members pretty much every night. They are very giving people and always want me to eat a lot of food. It is rough somedays. Sarah i tried your trick of eating slower... It doesn't make a difference here. So that is cool.
We have had some really cool experiences here to help people feel the Spirit and to remember why it is so important to have Jesus Christ as the center point in our lives. He is seriously such a blessing and we should never lose the Spirit we have of him in our homes. It changes lives. I also invited someone to be baptized when she knew the truth of the gospel and she said yes, so hopefully that will turn into blessings for her and her family.
Can't really complain about anything, my life is good and i am blessed. THank you everyone for your prayers and your support. I strive to be a great missionary each and everyday. I am always looking for ways that i can be blessed by my Savior. The book of Mormon is seriously so cool. I love how simply things can be stated for it being the scriptures. Love you all, time to go back to work.

Happy graduation!!!!! You too dan even though i didn't get an announcement. I got pictures i am so so proud!

So i am at a new library and we are both new to the area and there was  a little timer counting down from 30 minutes, so i was freaking out about getting my email done. Well when it hit 0, it started over again. So sorry if that last email was totally aweful. I was trying to give you what you needed to know.
So here is a little of what i forgot
First off i can't believe nate and Andrew are almost home, that is nuts!!!
The area is kinda like Mesa, but way smaller, there are parts where everything is in spanish and there are parts that don't have any people who speak spanish. As for scenery... Mom i hate to break it to you but Pasco looks like Mesa minus the cacti. Thats kind of a lie. there are more trees and grass, but the grass is yellow and the trees are because people planted them.
My first meal out in the field was dinner with member. We eat with members every night pretty much and it was pasole, not my favorite but ok. It was chicken and beans in broth. I am going to have to get used to eating a lot, which could be rough. Other than that i have a pb and j or quesadilla for lunch everyday. I bought myself a totinos pizza but have nothing to cook it on.
We are in a new apartment so it is very clean and pretty nice. Our apartment complex has a gym, so even if my companion didn't want to run (which she does like) there are treadmills for me to use. It is pretty sweet. They also have a tanning bed that is free for residents... talk about temptation. But i never remember being this white before in my entire life!!
Spanish is coming along, it is a little weird cause we always start in English so we don't offend anyone and lots of the younger people speak both. I am excited to be able to have conversations with the members at church.