Monday, July 15, 2013

P-day Switch

Hola Familia!!

What a crazy week it has been. Sorry i forgot to tell you all that P-Day got switched to wednesday for the week... Oops. But it was for a good reason. We got to go to the temple!! The Columbia River temple is really small. But at the same time i really really liked it. Angel Moroni on the top looks gigantic. But it was so great to get to go to the temple. I love the feeling that i have there, and that ultimately is the experience and feeling i want everyone i teach to be able to experience. It was a reminder of just how important my work out here is, which was great! Starting out the week my companion was still sick. They were talking about sending her home. It was a pretty rough two weeks on our companionship, but if i am learning anything from trials in life it is that we can reflect on them and realize how strong we truely are and how much those trials have blessed our lives.

Pasco is still going good. We are working trying to find people who are interested in the church, but we are also working a lot with our branch list because there are quite a few names that the leaders of the ward don't know. But it is great to see how much we are being blessed with work. Right now we are working with a family who is trying to get back on their feet after losing a loved one. And the more we go over and teach them and encourage them the more they let us in and the closer they get to coming back to church to see how much the people around here actually do love them.

The Lord has definately been blessing us for doing the work we were able to while our compaion has been sick. We are still finding people to teach even when it seems like the day is looking bleak. Then we saw a small little miracle. So my compaion had been really sick for almost 2 weeks at this point and the doctors couldn't figure out what was going on. The doctors were talking about sending her home, but the mission president really didn't want to because she is almost one of the oldest missionaries in the mission and they need trainers. So we prayed, we were doing everything we could for her to get better, nothing was really working. after talking to multiple doctors and tests, symptoms continued to pile with no diagnosis. One doctor decided to try a pro-biotic that you can buy on the sheleves and she started to get better. Just as she had gotten sick really fast, she has finally bounced back really fast to. It has been such and interesting experience. Plus there were blessings, we got to get to know our new mission president pretty well, and truely realize how amazing they are. As my compaions and i were talking about our trials, we talked about how much we all had learned from them throughout our lives. We talked about how much better these trials had made us. They come in a different degree for everyone, but it all comes down to who you turn towards when times get tough. Turning to our Savior Jesus Christ is always the answer! It doesn't matter what you are going through, Jesus Christ and his Atonement are the answer. If we turn towards Christ we will have light in our lives and darkness cannot dwell in light. President Utchdorf talked about this and how it is we need to realize that darkness exist but choose not to dwell there. I love that. 

Speaking of light, last night, we were teaching a lesson to this cute little family and teaching the little girl how to pray. We had just taught them about prophets and Joseph Smith and God, We taught them how to pray, and then she said a prayer before we left. I listened to a little 7 year old pray to her Heavenly Father, who she knew loved her and it was such an awesome experience. We taught them "Soy un Hijo de Dios" or "I am a Child of God" in Spanish and they loved it. Never underestimate the understanding or the faith of a little child. I am thankful for the primary teachers i had that taught me about being a child of God, and having patience with me. Which i can only imagine that Jannae and I were hard to handle as primary children. 

I love the Lord and i Love the opportunity i have had to serve him. Don't shrink in times of trials, let down your pride and take it to you Heavenly Father and turn toward Christ. I know this Church is true and have been greatly blessed by it. I love you all who support me in this time. Never stop looking for the light in the darkness of every situation!! Have a great week! oh and p-day will be back to normal on monday :)

Con Amor,
Hermana Ray

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