Monday, November 4, 2013


Hola Familia!

It has been a really good week this week. Halloween has come and gone and was a very fun experience as a missionary. Plus i get to stay in Royal City for another transfer!! As Doreen would say, "Oh Good!"

We had a super awesome experience with one of the couples that lives in our ward this week. We have started doing lessons to teach the members what tools we have and how we present them to other people so that they can think of how to present them to other people. It has been an interesting process as we try to think of people that they could share it with. Well last sunday we had a cool lesson with the friends of the family we were eating dinner with. After we went to have dinner and talked about how they are doing. The Whithursts are an amazing couple who are a huge example to the neighborhood they live in. Well, it was a good day and we set up a time to meet with the Whitehursts and have one of these member lessons. Well, we were calling to confirm the day of the lesson and she tells us she has a great story for us. After we had gone and visited Ed and Beverly (the friends) she had gone by a few days later to drop off some cupcakes that she had made. When she went over Ed was talking about how impressed with the missionaries they had been and that Beverly wanted one of them "books" meaning a Book of Mormon! That night we brought copies of the Book of Mormon and thought of ideas and brainstormed and showed some ways to introduce the Book of Mormon. I am proud to report that when we were sitting next to Sister Whitehurst in Relief Society yesterday, she turned to us and told us that the books had been delivered. To me this was exactly what Elder Ballard had been talking about. Members and missionaries both working hard together. We wouldn't have been able to have this awesome experience without each other.

Like pretty much everywhere we had a Halloween carnival and trunk or treat, but ours was actually the day before Halloween because the youth help run the carnival and it was easier to do on mutual night because the high schools around here don't have games on wednesday nights. We were so glad because that meant that we got to go! We had a curfew on actual Halloween, but we got to go to the activity. Almost all of the people we are teaching came and there were so many people there! It is getting to big to have inside the church. It was a great way for the church to reach out to the community. The trunk or treat is big here cause there are very limited places to go trick or treating. Wendy came with her four oldest kids and it was really fun! Wendy is super awesome and is a really good person who wants to know Christ, she has really come to see the blessings that are coming to her life. It is amazing! 

We also had some opportunities to do service this week. Warren is an old guy that we found literally in the middle of some pine trees. i think he planted them all himself. Anyways, we found him a couple weeks ago and had talked to him. Shortly after that was when the big storm hit that knocked out power. he lost some parts of his trees and talked about cleaning them up, we offered to help and he said there was a guy who usually did it for him. Well, the wind blows here.. pretty much all the time and he had lost a few more trees. We went by to see how he was doing and offered to come back and help, we set up a time the next day. He comes from a belief that he doesn't know if there is a God, he doesn't believe there isn't one and doesn't there is one. We set up a time to come back after making a comment like, "well if God is willing" and we said we would be there the next day. We also went the day after that, and both my companion and i can see that he has a warmer presence to him just by knowing that someone cares about him. It was cool, plus after i smelt like pine trees for like 3 days. 

Halloween itself was pretty good, we went home after dinner, but Sister Trihey fed us dinner. This couple lives in the ward but travels a lot for work. They are the nicest people ever and we always have a great time. She spoiled us and sent us home with a Halloween treat bag. She said there weren't any kids around to spoil so she had to spoil us.

Over all it is was a really good week. The work here in Royal is moving forward and i have absolutely no doubt that it is due to the awesome members and our dedication to try and be obedient. I have been doing lots of studying on being obedience and how it relates to my dedication as a missionary. As soon as you stop seeing it as rules you HAVE to follow, they aren't a big deal. As silly as some of them may be, they are all given under direction of the Lord.I found this quote by Elder Christopherson today "We can expand our freedom by perfecting our obedience" That is one of the projects i currently have, perfecting my obedience.  I love you all thanks for your love and support!  Have a great week. 

Hermana Ray

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