Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Hola Familia!

First off, congrats Mom!! Sounds like you rocked that tri-athalon! I couldn't see the pictures, but Sarah also gave me a play by play! So Proud!

This week has really been a growing experience on how i can love other people. At zone meeting and everything, we talked about having God's view in our eyes for other people. Once we see them as God sees them we have a desire to help them and bring them to the same hope of God that we have found in our lives. And since we talked about it this week and i was learning about it, of course Heavenly Father blessed me with experiences to go along with what i am learning. We have been working really hard as a companionship to try and make sure we are teaching the lessons specific to the people. And because of that i have had some really cool experiences.

1. We were at the home of the Salinas Family and they are awesome and so strong. We have been helping her learn to use the atonement to overcome our fears. As we were teaching her about President Uchtdorf's talk from the last young women broadcast, "Your Wonderful Journey Home" she told us that she loved us and what we were doing for her. She said that she can tell we have taken her life and looked for things that could help her. We have taken some of her burdens and she knows that we love her and really are there to help her. And it is true, every time we go and teach her a lesson, I want so bad for her to know of God's love for her and that we all have different Roadblocks on our road of life, but we have a map and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are our guides and with them we can't fail. It was a really cool experience.

2. The other was with one of our investigators. She has really has been given a hard life that has and probably will continue to challenge her. She has been good at turning to God in these times, but she has just never really felt that any place was for her, but she does have a really strong relationship with God. As we took the time to take a whole lesson and focus it on one of the questions she had, she began to trust us more and thanked us over and over for helping her understand. As i studied and prayed about what to share with her, my love for her and desire for her to find what she was looking for grew and i just really wanted her to know that we were here for her and so was her Father in Heaven and her brother Jesus Christ. It strengthened the relationship between us and she realized that as missionaries we weren't just there to help her learn but to help her build, grow, and change the things in her life that she didn't want. It was a cool experience. Also cool about this investigator, she has lived in AZ before, Tucson, Phoenix, and Mesa. Cool huh? She used to live off of Broadway, who would have thought? 

One thing i do know is that I like helping people. As i have been learning about loving in the way that Christ would want me to, my love for other people and my desire to serve them has grown. 

We also were looking for new way that we could find people to teach. Hermana Pierce got a letter from someone that talked about using your talents to improve your missionary work. We then wrote down our talents and then each others talents and then we had the other sisters that we live with write down our talents too. From that list we are praying to figure out how we can use our talents in our missionary work. It is still a work in progress and as we start to weave in our talents and trying to use those to help other people we will be able to find and connect with people.

So many fun things to write about this week! I got to go to my first Quinceanera!! A member of the Branch was having one and it was so cool. They told us to come for the dinner part. It was really fun. There were so many people there! It was exactly what these big parties seem to be all about! Of course Alma looked super pretty and it was really fun and a great bonding experience for the member because the whole branch had been invited! They sure know how to throw a party.

Now... for the big news! Well at least in the life of a missionary. On Wednesday I am being transferred to Othello!  I am not exactly sure where, i just know that my area is in the Othello Stake. Where is that you might ask? I don't have any idea. I know it is north of my current location, but that is about it. I will tell you a little more about it when i get there i guess. Although i am sad to be leaving Pasco, the branch, my companion. I am excited to be off on a new adventure. Luckily i know one thing. The church is the same everywhere you go. I never really thought of how nice that was before, but it is truely a blessing. The church can be a solid foundation no matter where you are at on the map!

I love you all and hope you are all doing well. More to come next week on the new area and all the adventure that brings. What i do know is that both me and my companion are new to the area, so let the maps and the "adventures" begin all over again!

Remember that Jesus is our Savior and that he loves you all very much, we are never alone. Remember that everyone is a child of God. Simple service is a very easy way to show people that you care and that "no effort is ever wasted."

Con Amor,
Hermana Ray


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