Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Hola Familia!
Well this week actually went really well and i easily survived my first area change.
My last few days are in Pasco. We taught a lot of people and they were are doing really well! I was sad to be leaving when they are all doing so well, but i hope that they will continue to do really well!
And then.. the adventure begins! Wednesday I headed off to Royal City. It ended up taking all day to get both me and my companion in the same place. Now a little bit about Royal City, it is a farm town. One of those everyone knows everyone and everywhere. It is a totally different environment than Pasco but i am really excited. I am covering both an English ward and a Spanish branch. It is definately an adventure, neither of us have served there before and finding a map of the place isn't really that likely. The longer we are here the better it will be. People give directions based on where other people live and "the four way stop" and the yield light. It is called "the four way stop" because it is the only one in town. I am excited for this Farm town part of my life! A memeber was nice enough to loan us the GPS she had... and only parts of the city are recognized on the GPS. We have been working on trying to find people/find places. It is a new adventure every day.
Yes, I have met Susan relatives, they were very nice to me. What are the chances of me going to Royal City and knowing people? It is very fun! The members are amazing here. They are super willing to help us out with anything, and hopefully we will figure out what to do so they can help us with it!!
We do have a baptism coming up of one of the most humble people i have ever met. He is from Jamaica , and is super excited to learn and be a member of the Church. I am really excited to be seeing the progress.
My companion is Hermana Heninger from...... Gilbert, Arizona!! She went to Highland and ASU as well. We are actually in either the same major or a similar one. She is pretty awesome. Also the sisters that we split the branch with are both from Arizona too! Hermana Hatfield actually went to Mountain View and graduated in 2012. Small world right.
We live with a member, Sis. Iverson, she reminds me a lot grandma actually. She is wonder woman! Very nice and wonderful. Everyone in town knows her.

As for the title it is like a treasure hunt because every time we go try to find someone or are looking for someone new it is an adventure and we have to search for them. But we get fresh fruit and vegies a lot and it is great!

I will report more on my area when i know more about it! Just know that i am really liking it here. Only one direction to go and thats forward.
Love you all and pray for you! remember that God loves you and there for you!
Con Amor,
Hermana Ray

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