Monday, October 21, 2013


Hola Familia!

This week has been a really good one! I don't want to make this sound like every other email you are probably reading, but our week has been focused on members and missionaries all week. Everywhere we turned! It is a really good thing. As missionaries we see the influence and difference of when members are sharing the gospel with their friends. 

This week has also been a lot of focus on the Book of Mormon. And it has been really good. I love it! yesterday at church, one young person from every family in the branch gave a talk on the Book of Mormon. Each and everyone of them was focused on a Book of Mormon story and how it has blessed their lives. It was amazing to see each and everyone of them personally apply it! After, the High Council man spoke on the importance of the Book of Mormon and how it helps us and our children be converted unto the Lord. I too have a personal witness of that as our family read the scriptures together and as i have personally spent time studying the scriptures. 

I am currently reading about the brother of Jared and his experience with the Lord. His faith was amazing! And later it says that someday people will have faith as the brother of Jared. Imagine having the such great faith that we can see the Lord! 

The work is definitely being blessed as we try to strive to be exactly obedient. I have seen the blessings as we have been finding trailers that no one knew existed and teaching people who before didn't really have any desire to talk to us, but some event in their life has brought them to a state of mind of asking questions. If we have the answers, great! There is nothing in the World that having a faith in Jesus Christ is made harder. Our attitude about everything makes a huge difference. 

We had a really awesome lesson where we talked about the love of God and how we, as people need to be going to church for that reason. Just so many cool, different spiritual experiences. Yesterday we were having a lesson and Marlo was saying the prayer. After asking the lord to bless pretty much every type of person in the world, he prayed for his family and for his job, not once did he pray for anything for himself, but totally for other people. I am continually stunned as i learn new things form people i am "teaching". It goes to show that we all need to continually learn so we can grow.

Any way... Back to member missionary work, we had a zone conference that was centered on member missionary work. We were challenged to go back and read Elder Ballard's talk and i really really liked it. The one from conference. the title is "Put Your Trust in the Lord" for me that was an interesting title. Like with obedience or pretty much any other principle of the gospel, it all comes down to putting your trust in the Lord. Anyway, we talked about how/what could help the members we are serving. Remember that: WE (as missionaries) are called to serve you as members in your area. You know the people, the culture, and what aspects of the gospel people are looking for. If you are trying to think of how to share the gospel, call the missionaries in your area, they will be happy to help. I loved when Elder Ballard talked about the "One". it didn't mean invite someone random, but that "one" person who is continually on the back of you mind. I know that I have those people and when he was speaking they came to mind mind as they often do. Start working to have the faith and strength to invite the "one". i Know that is something i struggled with before my mission. Elder Ballard totally got me when he was telling the story about people not praying for missionary opportunity in the fear of actually having one. I know and can testify that when a member works to bring someone to the gospel, and when that person begins to accept it, the person will understand just how much you meant to them to share the gospel with them. We have heard it over and over again in conversion stories of people being so grateful for the person who shared the gospel with them. Go find the "one" so you can be their one. Christmas is about a 2 months away, what better gift for the Savior. (I will get off my soap box now, i might return next week though)

I love you all thanks for the continued support you have shown to me! Have a great week

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