Thursday, May 8, 2014



It has been such a crazy week!! but that is life, i feel like everyday here has been a different form of crazy. Mom, hopefully you got my email about Skype time.

I can't believe that it is already May! What is happening to time? Feliz 5 de Mayo :) Yesterday they had a huge family friendly party here in Manson. We drove past and we couldn't believe how many people were there. It was crazy!

We had a super funny experience the other day we pulled up to a patch of houses and we were going to get out and go try a few people that we had talked to a few weeks in the past and as we pulled up we got mobbed!! Seriously like 8 of them ran up to where we were and it was crazy! Now before you get all worried they were ages like 5-10 probably and they all had nerf guns but they were on the verge of climbing on our car and it was the weirdest thing ever! We weren't even quite sure what to do in that situation! Luckily we both made it out with our lives and ditched the little banditos.

On a more spiritual note the Lord has been blessing us a lot here. we have been finding people to teach. and not just people but Families! Nothing better that teaching families. One family that we have started teaching is the Parra family. They have been so amazing. last week they came to the Relief Society Activity, mutual, and cub scouts! It was awesome. They planned on church but were out of town for some cinco de mayo family fun. But she was telling us that she felt a peace when she was around people from the church or at activities. She said normally she avoids large groups of people that speak english (even though her english is amazing) but that she felt really comfortable. It was awesome! Our members have been going by and inviting them to everything! Member missionaries are helping this family so much! We hope that they can see it! They are super prepared by the Lord and I am super excited to teach them!

Another really cool experience was with one of our members. we have memebrs going out with us pretty much everyday and yesterday we didn't have any good firm set plans and so we thought we would go talk to Dulce, one of our investigators, and see if we could set up a time to take her on a church tour. we haven't been able to get her to come to church yet. And Sis. Hinkley suggested that we see if she would just come with us right now. It hadn't crossed Hna. Jett or my mind. But you never know until you try. we went in and asked her and she said oh ya sure! give me five minutes to get ready and my family can pick me up form there to where we are going. She came and it was super amazing! There was lots of testimony born and she talked about how peaceful it was to be in the church building. Loved it!

We see blessings everyday from what we do as missionaries. Even though the hard days are always bound to come, luckily the Lords on our side. I have no doubt in my mind that he loves us.

This week, as i have been studying in Preach my Gospel, My mind keeps falling back to The Book of Mormon. Maybe because we have taught it a lot this week. But i was studying about how it Testifies of Christ and his mission. I have been learning from both the Book of Mormon and the bible that i can't imagine one with out the other. they help me understand one another so much that one without the other would be so hard. As we learn them they become part of us and i think that is a way we can truly come closer to Jesus Christ. His words are becoming part of us. We begin to live and become the Doctrine of Christ which is our purpose in life. It always amazes me how all that we learn can be applied to everything else.

I love you all and have a great week. Talk to you Sunday :)

Hermana Ray

The apple trees have blossoms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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