Monday, June 30, 2014


Hola Familia!

Another week has seemed to fly! This week was interesting because we got to go to the Temple. We took our trip and a trip it was. the Columbia River temple is 3 1/2 hours from here(ish). But it is always nice to be in the house of the Lord and feel that peace. 

The work has been kind of like a seek and find game this week. We have been trying to find our investigators when they might be home... With Cherry harvest in full swing the next to weeks will be fun. Actually probably til August. I never thought i would be happy for apples season to start. But when we have found them at home we find them in good spirits and open to the message. We have found chances to be in the right place at the right time with people. Our members are starting to rise to the challenge oh having relationships with our investigators outside of what they do with us and it is cool. Claudia came to church with some of her kids and it was really good! Sacrament meeting was really powerful and then Sunday school was on the importance of a Christ-centered home. So good!

We had some overall great spiritually uplifting experiences this week. This week we had a really cool lesson with Ilda. We went into her house and she was kind of stressed. we asked if we could share a message. She let us in and we got her kids to sit down and we watched Finding Faith in Christ. It brought the Spirit better than we ever could and as always she opened up and we found a lot about her knowledge of Christ. She said it was peaceful unlike lots of the other movies that talk about Christ and focus on his suffering. It was so peaceful in that house when we left that we didn't want to leave. They are spirits who are definitely close when it comes to being able to feel the Spirit. Very receptive. It was one of those cool relaxing peaceful moments that makes you sit back and think, that is why we are missionaries. to help people find the peace that the gospel brings. 

I have been reading the conference ensign and focusing on what scriptures they use in assocation with their talks. It has been really nice. I am currently reading a talk from President Uchtdorf about sleeping through the Restoration. I really liked what he said about when we get to heaven. When we get to Heaven will we get to say that we rolled up our sleeves and worked or did we sit and watch at all the wonderful things that happen. He also talked about how we were made to saor and not to tie ourselves down with temptation that puts ourselves in a straightjacket and leaves us tied down. I loved it! Another on of the talkes talked about how we need to be willing to change and that as we are open to change, good things will happen. That we are supposed to all be progressing which means life will always be changing. Before my mission i wasn't a big fan of change, and i can't say that it is my favorite thing now, but i can appreciate it now.

Thanks for all your love and support! be happy, look for how you can change for the better, and work hard to serve others so that we can dig in and take part in this wonderful time that we live in! Have a great week!

Hermana Ray

P.S. you probably want an explanation for the pictures. the first is my Zone at the temple. the second was yesterday i was walking and thought of how pretty that sight was. i don't even like fishing and it looked fun! And third... haha crazy experience. we were knocking a street and started down this driveway to what we thought was a lake front property and about a half mile steep downward drive way we get to the bottom... no house built yet.... ugh, so we go a little more to make the trip worth it to take a picture by the lake, my companion turns around and sees this Yhetti on the tree. Naturely a picture was required. (pic attached in other email)


Monday, June 23, 2014


Hola Familia

It has been a great week up here in Chelan/Manson, and I can't think of any better place to be... (ok i might not have thought that when i saw someone on the lake getting ready to wakeboard this morning. i will be honest) But it really has been a good week.

I have been so exhausted i don't think i know what way is up anymore! But it has all been for a good cause. We had exchanges one day this week and Hermana Rockhill is a little fireball! We were constantly moving and having so much fun teaching and trying to help people.

We have had some really amazing experiences this week that i keep reflecting on. 1. Andrade Family: As we sat to teach them, he liked to talk, but when we finally got the Restoration dvd in, they sat, listened , and felt the Spirit. It was followed by an amazing testimony of a member. The mood of the whole lesson changed when we got the Spirit there. We listened with love and if he would have taken a second he would have realized that EVERY question he had would have been answered if he had just listened. But It all went according how it did to lead up to the point that our member could bear testimony. And she did and it was so strong it was unbelievable! Later that week we invited them to get baptized and they said they would. they want to learn way more, but that desire is there!

2. Parra Family: Also invited them to get baptized and they expressed some concerns that we weren't aware of. They have felt the Spirit and recognize it, but are still connecting the dots. They are so awesome and even though they face adversity, they know it is a good thing. Kind of Crazy week for them. Alondra (the 14 yr old daughter) went to girls camp... And LOVED it! But long story short, camp ended a day early because there was a flu outbreak in Wenatchee and it came and spread through camp. Luckily Alondra came home fine... until we got a text from Claudia Sunday saying they weren't coming to church because 3 of her 5 kids had the flu. Crazy how much good and bad can happen at the same time!

3.The love that President Ware has for us. Thursday was just one of those days. we had to drive to Wenatchee(about 50 mins) to a meeting with President and Sister Ware. well about 3 miles out of Chelan, her car broke down... not to be revived. She takes out her phone. no cell service. Elders, no service. We take ours out and says battery dead turning off... We had just charged it so we took the back off. water everywhere! (Where did it come from? we have NO idea!) Happy ending to the story missionaries were sent to rescue us, meeting started about and hour late but we got there, and interviews were great! and after a day we were able to save our phone! Plus interviews really showed me how much i had come to love being a missionary and how much i have learned. President asked us what helps us stay connected to our purpose. My answer was my scriptures. and many other things but really those because it is through those that i gained a personal love and understanding for Jesus Christ.

4. Watching a less active member battle back to get a current temple recommend. She is quite possible one of the people closet to my heart. we read scripture together the other day and we watched her apply it and find strength.

5. Standing outside the door of a man who tried to destroy our faith. He began telling us we should do our research on what we really believe. I hope these people realize that when they say all these things, it just solidifies what i believe. As i knocked on his door and tried to have a friendly conversation and asked if he believed in Christ.. He then went on with all of these things on how my church couldn't possibly be true (citing the internet...) and how we weren't even really Christians... UM HELLO DUDE, i wear Jesus Christ name on my shirt everyday and promote people to find their faith even if they don't share my belief! (insert my dad sigh here.) people.

I have been reading in the Conference Ensign, and i am loving every second of it. I can't pick favorites.. But i really like what Elder Anderson said, "Build more firmly your foundation upon the rock of your Redeemer. Treasure more completely His incomparable life and teachings. Follow more diligently His example and his commandments. Embrace more deeply His love, His mercy and grace, and the powerful gifts of His atonement."

Love you all have a great week!!

Hermana Ray

My comp and i made a candy bar poster for President Ware's birthday... he loved it! the starburst fel off... luckily elder Rosero picked it up.

Monday, June 16, 2014


Hola Familia!

The world continues to move here in Manson and Chelan, but at the same time it seems to not be moving. It is hard to believe that it is like the middle of the summer. But not for the reason you would think. It hasn't been super warm outside. And that has been really weird! I have worn my jacket like every night this week... In the summer.. Who does that? But that is ok, because there was much needed rain that passed through the area. With the rain everyone has been super busy with work. Because they may not work they day it is raining... but everyday after that is crazy.. especially with Cherries. Everyone is succumbed to the will of those darn things.

Start the day off with a good dog story. Saturday we knocked a door. No answer. We knocked again, no answer. We turn to leave and hear a dog bark (outside the house). My companion didn't realize this and wondered why i was headed to the gate with such speed. Well she found out quick as a pit bull came from around the corner. Getting out of the gate, thinking we were safe, we slowed down... until the pit bull got through the gate. Running again until it finally stopped chasing us just after the end of their property. All i thought was run, hope my companion was ready to take on for the team. we need to work on her fight or flight reaction... I love when people do that, can't they just open the door and say no thanks? oh no let me let my dogs out the back and tell them to attack. ya thanks a lot.

But overall it has been a really good week and we are seeing miracles all over the place despite the cherry harvest. We finally got to meet with Claudia. She has been super busy cause she just picked up another job. But it was really cool. We talked about the Doctrine of Christ and her feelings as she has been learning about it. She tried explaining how she felt and she was like, "it is hard to explain, i can't really put it into words." As she said these words, she explained the Spirit and we were all smiling from ear to ear including her. Although she hasn't decided when she is going to get baptized i know it will happen! :) So excited for her! that family is truly one of the nicest and most humble families that I have ever worked with on my mission. 

Also we had a miracle happen at church yesterday. As we were looking for potential people to contact, we were talking with some members and they brought up a name of a girl that was very close to their family. We then saw her name on some papers we had and we were like, ok not a coincidence, lets go try and see her. After trying the house 2 times and not getting her and the second time, no one bothered to come to the door after asking who it was, we were pretty discouraged that we had this inspiration and then to hit a dead end. (Because it has happened to us multiple times this week) Then, Las Abigails (A mother and daughter both named Abigail) brought a friend to church. We get talking to her and guess who it is. The same person we had been trying to get a hold of earlier that week. turns out she is related to las Abigails. It was a miracles! we got it set up to come visit with her. It is through moments like these that you know God's hand is in your life.

I finally finished The Book of Mormon this week and i think my companion is pretty excited because everyday i was so amazed at what i was learning about and I wanted to share it! But i really got a lot out of it that I personally needed. A lot about the prophets and how they set the example for us in Christ-like service to others. Then the first two talks of the Conference Ensign have the very same topic, of being disciples of Christ though love and righteousness. Elder Holland said something that really made me stop and think.

 "take heart. Pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness can change the world."

"Christlike love is the greatest need we have on this planet in part because righteousness was always supposed to accompany it."

That last one just really stuck out to me. I love being a missionary. I love my Savior Jesus Christ, and i know that if i serve others and try to be like Christ then i have nothing to fear (well, except man eating dogs). I hope you have a great week and take some time to read from the Book of Mormon, it has changed my life and my testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ. I can't wait to get back into its pages. Love you!

Hermana Ray

Len and Lesa were out of town so we were on Llama duty

Monday, June 9, 2014


Hola Familia!

It has been a busy week here in Manson. With Transfers and high school graduation being this week. Kind of crazy. But since when does life try to slow down for us?

The first part of the week was busy with packing, teaching and making sure that we saw EVERYONE before Hna. Jett left. It is so crazy it feels like it was forever ago.. but it just happened. Then On Wednesday we had transfers, so we went to Wenatchee, where my companion headed to her new area (Her new companion is Hermana Heninger!!!!!!!!) and i went to Cashmire for the day with another sister because she was waiting for her new missionary too. So we ended up getting back to Manson at about 9:45 that night and it was certainly an interesting day.

And with that i think you probably want to know a little about my new companion. Her name is Hermana Alcocer from San Bernadino, CA. She was born in some town in Mexico that i can't pronounce, let alone write, but came to the United States when she was a baby. So she is from California because that is where she grew up. She is bilingual! which is a huge blessing, because Spanish has been one of those things i have been able to learn but i don't know if i could teach it. She is number 4 of 6 kids and is currently the only active member in her family. But she is awesome and ready to serve. The first day we knocked a door and she introduced us and asked if they would like to learn more about Jesus Christ. No hesitation. So that was pretty cool. Picture to be included.

The rest of the week was busy for the town in general so it was hard to find people at home. But that is just how life goes sometimes. We have some great families that we are working with and we are really trying to get them involved in the activities that the ward has going on. Claudia's family is probably my favorite, they love church and think it is so fun. Mutual and everything! When we talked to Alandra about Mutual (13) she said, "it was so fun! we pulled weeds and had cupcakes." Got to love what people can find fun when they are around good influences.

We got to go to my old area of Quincy on Friday for a meeting for new missionaries, again it was a day of travel and fun, but i learned a lot and hope Hna. Alcocer did as well. The other new sister in Cashmire is from Mexico and she was so excited when we went and got Tacos. I got to see Sister Tuigamala!

A family came to church on Sunday that hadn't been in a long time and they recognized me from Quincy when i was working trying to activate their niece! Lots of those small coincidences this week. Overall it was a really busy week, like busy work.. But sometimes it is just like that and it is always stuff that need to get done.

But I DID have some really good studies this week. No mom, sad to report i am not done with the Book of Mormon yet. you beat me! But i will finish by the end of this week. I finished 3 Nephi and oh my goodness! it was so good. i love when Christ is in the Americas teaching the people because it is such and example of what we should be doing! Let us just say i learned way too much this week to put it in an email, but if you haven't read 3 Nephi in a while, definitely go back and read it! 3 Nephi 18:24 "Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up..." Making the world a better place one day at a time.

I love you and hope you have a great week! Don't forget to learn about the Doctrine of Christ AND live it!

Hermana Ray

We went and got tacos in Quincy! The matching was totally accidental... This is Hermana Alcocer

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Hola Familia!

Another week has run its course and the adventure is never ending. It is a good thing i have learned to accept change, because life seems to constantly be changing. You may have assumed, but Transfers are this week! Ah crazy! already? (ya that's what i thought..) My companion is getting transferred to Connell, and i am getting.....drum roll please..... A brand new missionary from the MTC! Yep i will be training again and I am excited. it will be another fun filled adventure! Stayed tuned for details on new companion...

This week has been pretty good. We had a hard time getting in contact with some people, but we were able to contact some other that we don't normally get the chance to so it was a give and a take situation. As most things in Missionary work are. 

The Book of Mormon is super awesome! As we were reading with this one family, we started with 1 nephi 1 with the mom and the daughter. The dad comes in a little later ( like 5 verses in) and we hand him a book and he followed along with us. we get to the end and ask if they had any questions and the dad says, "Who is Nephi?".... Well back to square 1. it was sooo funny. 

The Lord has his hand in this area and it is amazing. i love being a missionary and everything that it entails, even the things that make you stretch. That is where we grow the most! I know that God lives! I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that his church is here again on the Earth!  I love the Book of Mormon and how it can give us our own personal testimony of the Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ that no one can take away from us. It causes a burning in side of us and no one can take that. (Everyone insert quote from Glory road. "Your dignity is inside of you, no one can take what you don't give them.") I am excited to review the word of the living prophets after just finishing the words of the Book of Mormon prophets. Have a great week!

Hermana Ray

Throwing a coin into the wishing well at Ohme gardens.... look at that follow through!