Monday, June 9, 2014


Hola Familia!

It has been a busy week here in Manson. With Transfers and high school graduation being this week. Kind of crazy. But since when does life try to slow down for us?

The first part of the week was busy with packing, teaching and making sure that we saw EVERYONE before Hna. Jett left. It is so crazy it feels like it was forever ago.. but it just happened. Then On Wednesday we had transfers, so we went to Wenatchee, where my companion headed to her new area (Her new companion is Hermana Heninger!!!!!!!!) and i went to Cashmire for the day with another sister because she was waiting for her new missionary too. So we ended up getting back to Manson at about 9:45 that night and it was certainly an interesting day.

And with that i think you probably want to know a little about my new companion. Her name is Hermana Alcocer from San Bernadino, CA. She was born in some town in Mexico that i can't pronounce, let alone write, but came to the United States when she was a baby. So she is from California because that is where she grew up. She is bilingual! which is a huge blessing, because Spanish has been one of those things i have been able to learn but i don't know if i could teach it. She is number 4 of 6 kids and is currently the only active member in her family. But she is awesome and ready to serve. The first day we knocked a door and she introduced us and asked if they would like to learn more about Jesus Christ. No hesitation. So that was pretty cool. Picture to be included.

The rest of the week was busy for the town in general so it was hard to find people at home. But that is just how life goes sometimes. We have some great families that we are working with and we are really trying to get them involved in the activities that the ward has going on. Claudia's family is probably my favorite, they love church and think it is so fun. Mutual and everything! When we talked to Alandra about Mutual (13) she said, "it was so fun! we pulled weeds and had cupcakes." Got to love what people can find fun when they are around good influences.

We got to go to my old area of Quincy on Friday for a meeting for new missionaries, again it was a day of travel and fun, but i learned a lot and hope Hna. Alcocer did as well. The other new sister in Cashmire is from Mexico and she was so excited when we went and got Tacos. I got to see Sister Tuigamala!

A family came to church on Sunday that hadn't been in a long time and they recognized me from Quincy when i was working trying to activate their niece! Lots of those small coincidences this week. Overall it was a really busy week, like busy work.. But sometimes it is just like that and it is always stuff that need to get done.

But I DID have some really good studies this week. No mom, sad to report i am not done with the Book of Mormon yet. you beat me! But i will finish by the end of this week. I finished 3 Nephi and oh my goodness! it was so good. i love when Christ is in the Americas teaching the people because it is such and example of what we should be doing! Let us just say i learned way too much this week to put it in an email, but if you haven't read 3 Nephi in a while, definitely go back and read it! 3 Nephi 18:24 "Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up..." Making the world a better place one day at a time.

I love you and hope you have a great week! Don't forget to learn about the Doctrine of Christ AND live it!

Hermana Ray

We went and got tacos in Quincy! The matching was totally accidental... This is Hermana Alcocer

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