Monday, August 11, 2014


Hola Familia!

So guess what my day started out with? Home made rolls. I made a small batch for Len and Lesa. But the weirdest thing happened. While the first batch was in the oven, Hna. Alcocer and I went to vaccum out the car and when we walked back inside the house it smelt like home... It freaked me out a little bit but it was kind of nice. WEIRD!

But the week has been really good. Sorry this will be pretty short. It is still rather smokey outside. today you can't really see the mountains very good in any direction. the fire isn't super close, but it is smokey.

Our investigators are all doing good. We have a few more weeks before picking starts for apples and everyone gets busy again. But As we taught this week we really wanted people to understand how important the Book of Mormon was. It seemed like every lesson we taught was some how brought back to the Restoration and the Book of Mormon. For many people we had knocked on their door for the first time ever and they told us that they had talked with the missionaries before and that they didn't get the Book of Mormon. They felt as if it was the only thing we ever talked about. As we talked and listened with love to help them understand rather than going on the defense about the Book of Mormon these peoples questions were answered that helped them and they set up other appointments with us. President Ware is big on that. We always need to be praying with faith and listening with love. Then we need to be open honest and direct in the spirit of helping. That is what this work is about. Helping others come unto Christ..

Mom i finished that "Come unto Christ" Challenge and it really helped me. As i studied the verses and tried to apply the teachings, i have realized just how awesome this opportunity that i have is. It has taught me that God is close to us and ever watching out for us. Making things happen for a reason.

Yesterday we were reading Alma 32 with Alondra, a 13 year old investigator, and after as we were talking she just talked about how Mormon people are just so nice. They start talking to you and treat you as if you have been one of their friends forever. The impressions these people get at the beginning make all the difference!!

This week i got a good lesson in obedience. Talking to different people, we hear stories about missionaries in different parts of the world (probably here too) being disobedient. It is so important for me to know that i am doing the right things because it is what i want to do not trying to bend the rules just to make sure i don't get in trouble. The commandments/mission rules are given to us to bless us. And as we live them it is so true that we are free. I have no doubt in that! And i am grateful that President Ware stressed the importance of obedience. He says this a lot and i love it:

Jesus Christ is the Reason, Obedience is the Price, Acting in Faith is the Power, Love is the Motive, and The Spirit is the Key.

I absolutely love everything about being a missionary, from studies in the morning, to knocking doors all night until the 1 person lets you in at 8:55 to racing to get home on time. Jesus Christ is my Savior as well as all of yours! The Book of Mormon helps us to learn of him and changes lives. I know this Gospel is true and i love helping other people come unto Christ. Have a great week!

Hermana Ray

Hna. Alcocer's first Ray roll

Letter to Jannae titled Fuzzy Navel. It was an inside joke about Bahamas Bucks

I saw this sign when we were driving and decided that i needed to turn the car around and take a picture. so we parked and after going through all this work just get a picture with this sign. i was like this is rediculous, maybe we should just go. but it was funny. on the way to the sign to take the picture we ran into an investigator who we haven't talked to in weeks because she moved and is only 16 and doesn't have a phone, plus she just moved into the methodist ministers house. and she was so happy to see us and set up an appontment.

crazy how even in the mission field you got my back!

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