Monday, August 18, 2014


Hola Familia!!

Life has been great. We had some crazy weather this week, but by the time the storms were over, we FINALLY have clear skies. Like no smoke or anything. the weather got really nice with super blue skies. It has been quite delightful. But the storms this last week brought like 14 inches of rain in a few hours which has been pretty crazy, they aren't used to that much rain here. Because of that we had a slight flood in our basement, but nothing a mop and a bucket couldn't fix.

This week has been really cool. I have been focusing on writing down spiritual impressions that i have and reflecting on them. It has been really cool to see just how much the spirit influences me all the time. As harvest approaches we are focusing on trying to build up our teaching pool in hopes of being able to retain them during "la pisca".

Honestly the week started out in kind of a whirlwind. I have really been trying to understnad my investigators and know how to help them without going to far out of the lessons. Knowing when to go off and answer and when to try and pull them back into the main message. And as i have been more aware of searching for spiritual promptings, i have found them.

-My week took a hit when one of my favorite investigators told us that she was confused and wanted to learn, but made a promise to her sister that she wouldn't talk to anyone until she got home from Africa. I honestly still don't know if i have digested it all the way. She was one of those people that i had to pray and ask heavenly Father for help to love her despite her circumstances. And that is what i learned to do. And i to this day will never forget her and continue to love her with hopes that another set of missionaries will find her. Yet at the same time Heavenly Father comforted me to know that he would be taking care of her. I wasn't angry, a little sad, but i felt like everything would work out how it was supposed to be. To me THIS is the hardest part of missionary work, letting go of those oyu have come to love.

-Later that night, we were going to teach a lady who stopped meeting wtih missionaries because of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. She had agreed to let us come back after we had answered some of her questions at the door. As we got ready to go in, I didn't want her to just hear about the Book of Mormon. I wanted her to experience it! The only problem in my plan is that she doesn't know how to read. I got the impression to read 3 Nephi 11 to her. I was thinking, ok, that works. I was worried that she would get distracted (like i do lots of times when listening to someone else reading) But she sat there totally soaking it in. The Spirit was so strong!! By the end we asked her if she thought the Book of Mormon was truly a book from God and she said yes! It was amazing. That is why we follow impressions. Because he knows better than us!!

-We took a few members out with us this week, where it looked as if all the lessons weren't going to work out, but we kept working and kept praying... And they all worked out in the way God intended them. It didn't matter what the situation was, we were working hard, and we were finding people to teach. Yet it is rarely through tracting. We tract, but it is a hard area to tract. it is either spaced out houses or town with is about half vacation homes. As we do all in our power, God helps everything else work out.

We had a Spanish church activity on Friday night. We only had 1 investigator there (we were hoping for like 10-15) But almost all of the members of our Spanish group were there or a member of their family. It was awesome! we had carne asada and an open gym. It was funny to watch all the little kids playing 3 or 4 different games. I think i at one time was playing volleyball and kickball at the same time. Since I have been here, the community and attitude of the members has been changing for the better. They talk and interact, it has been really cool to see the difference.

Overall, the mission experience is still AWESOME! I love it. Although some days you can't believe how tired you are. You blink and realize, Oh my gosh! i only have one transfer left! It seems so unreal. We had Zone conference last week, and it flew by! It was my last one so they have all the departing missionaries share their testimonies. It felt so unreal. As i sat and watched all the missionaries i am close to bear their testimony, and finding myself up there, i thought back on all the experiences i have had, and it has been amazing to see what i have grown to become. As i got up to bear my testimony and shook President Ware's hand he just looked at me and said, "No Hermana Ray, You can't stay forever." I had to laugh. I think I have asked him that every time i have seen him my entire mission. Later after the closing hymn, he says, "Hermana Ray, as we sang the closing hymn it thought of you." he then pulls out the hymn book and opens up to The Spirit of God, then points to the line, "The Lord is Extending, the saints understanding" then turns to me and says, "see Hermana Ray, the Lord is the one extending and that is why i can't" He thought he was Sooo funny. But we got a good laugh and i can only imagine what he will say when that time actually gets close! Zone conference other than that was super good. Sister Ware taught about Happy and Hard go together, we can do hard things and choose to be happy while doing them. I absolutely love the Spirit of learning from President and Sister Ware.

The Church is True, Jospeh Smith was a Prophet and through him Christ brought back His church. Christ still leads the church today through Thomas S. Monson. The Book of Mormon changed my life, and I love you all!! Have a great week, and stay tuned for transfer update next week.

Hermana Ray

What happens when you get 14 inches of rain in a few hours and you don't have sidewalks.

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