Thursday, April 25, 2013

Proverbs 3: 5-6

Hola Familia!

First off i would like to start this email by explaining my subject line. Mom the fact that you sent me that was just the icing on the cake.That has beenme and my companions scripture all week. It is what i have been learning the most in the MTC. Since i have started applying that to my life my lessons with investigators have got immensly better.

I just finished week two and just when i thought my weeks were going to start getting really repetitive the MTC threw a curveball in my Districts direction. After two weeks they are switching both of the teachers in my district. I guess this isn't normal and i am kinda bummed, cause Hno. Wlech y Hna. Wetzel were the greatest. Hna. Wetzel and i really conected, she helped me more in a week than i could have ever imagined possible. Let's just say she is so spiritually in tune it is insane, I am currently striving for that.

Quick funny story from my district. We were talking about swimming, and all of the sudden, Elder Hardman looks up and says, "swimming is just drowning... for fun." I laughed so hard, and i feel like lots of people could appreciate it as well.

The MTC life is good, i sit a lot, read a lot, and study a lot. Other than gym time that is what i do. The food is good some days and not as good some other days but i don't have to make so i don't really care. BUT, i also found out that i can go to the sandwich wrap line and get a tortilla with just chesse and microwave it to make a quesadilla..... that made my life. The day after i found that out i had one for lunch and dinner and lunch the next day. My life is complete (just kidding).

On Sunday my companion Hermana Newbold and i got called as the online coordinators for our zone. We basically just teach them how to use the computers and stress the computer rules. Easy enough. And we did get a new district this week which is good because we had 1 leave last week and one leaving monday so we have been a pretty small zone lately. One of the Elders in my zone just got reassigned to the Independence, Missouri mission. Are Lynette and Lowell still housing Elders?

It is finally starting to warm up here in Utah, i wanted to cry my first week when it started snowing but it is finally warming up and the opened the soccer fields so i can get some sun during gym time. Let's jsut say people should be a little more worried about vitamin d deficiency with the lack of sun we get in the MTC.... at least for my standards. But it is good. SOmetimes my companion is willing to go study outside with me so that is nice.

My Sapnish is getting better. I think one of our new teacher is a native speaker who pretends like he doesn't understand a word of English. which is good for my Sapnish but sometimes frustrating. It is funny that i can use some words that people who speak Spanish as their first language but not some of the simple words a 3 year old would know.

I think that is all for this week, the Church is true, i love missionary work, and i cna't think of any place i would rather be. I love you all thanks for the love and support. Yo se que Jesucristo es mi Salvador. yo se que Jesucristo vive. Yo se que por medio de Jesucristo yo puede volvo a mi Padre Celestial otra vez. (I know Jesus Crist is my Savior. I know that Jesus Christ lives. I know that through Jesus Christ i can return to my Father in Heaven Again.)

Never forget that the Lord loves us all and is aware of our wants and need individually. This I know. Have a great week everybody.

I will send pictures as time or hyper secure computers will allow. Love you!

Hermana Ray

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