Thursday, May 9, 2013

Oh the little things that amuse us on the mission, we realized we were wearing primary colors and that makes it necessary to take a picture. this opicture has elder brown in the corner, hermana robison in red, hermana villalobos in yellow

Hola Familia!!
This week has been another good one, suprise suprise I know. I like everything about the MTC, and I can';t believe I only have 2 more weeks left. At the same time I am really excited to be able to plan my own meal times. Thanks Jannae for helping mom out with the blog.  And GOODLUCK Dan Man, teach that High jump bar who is boss.
I guess I will just jump in, This week again was a great one for learning. I time and time again learned, and was humbled by my Heavenly Father. SOunds like life is going good back home, it is weird that Dan is almost graduated. Congrats Dan Man, if i don't get a letter sent out next week. Love you buddy. As of right now my mission assignment hasn't changed. i will probably be out in the misison field for a transfer before I find out what mission will be my permanent home. But i should be recieving my  travel plans at the end of this week. I'm really excited!!
Just a few thoughts from the week, we had a fireside with Elder Eduardo Gavarett of the quorum of the 70 yesterday. Something his wife said was great, first of all she spoke in English, Portugese, Spanish, and French and then she said, what ever it is that is worrying you, especially the language, "Don't  Worry, only Believe". And all i know is that if people can learn to speak English, I can learn to speak Spanish. He talked a lot about focusing on the things in our mission, focus on study, focus on people. After when talking about it, an Hermana made the comment, "Just remeber that we wear two names on our badges, and neither of them belong to just us.  We represent our family and Jesus Christ." I think that is way cool, I love how when we devote our time to the Lord he will call us his servants and use us for good. I also have gained a testimony of turning to my savior Jesus Christ. I was always trying to explain why we couldn't call our parents of why we could only write letter, or now email, and now I know. By doing this we have few people we can turn to in those times of need. My companion and my Savior Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father is always just a prayer away and willing to help as soon as you ask for it. I have spent more time on my knees here than I probably have in my whole life. And that is a great thing. Elder Gavarett also said, in this life, the test is always the same, are we willing to yield our hearts to the Lord. And i know that yes i am, cause he knows the people i will teach way more than i do.
So one of my inverstigators, Jose reminds me a lot of Dad, he is hard working, cares about and for his family, and just a good guy. Well right now he is struggling cause he is out of work becuase he got a bowl of hot sugar bumped into him and got burns all down his legs. What are the odds right? I was able to share your experience about the burns on the legs and it was cool, because it began to open him up to our message.
Our other investigator, Lindsey is  strong catholic so we were visiting with her as a friend and we were able to build a good enough foundation with her that she began to ask us questions. The one she asked us was, "why do you go around and visit with people, even though i didn't want to hear your message you sat and talked with me. i then explained to her that my purpose on a mission was to act as Jesus would, to follow in his footsteps, and Jesus would want to visit with everyone and leanr about them. and that we wanted to help people come to know Christ. Lets just say the only way that came out like that in Spanish had to be with help from the Spirit, after that she opened up to us about her belief  in God and are better able to figure out how to help her. It is seriously the coolest thing. President David O. McKay said " What you sincerley in your heart think of Christ will influence your actions." i know this is true. People can see the light and happiness in your eyes and begin to look for it. Don't ever be afraid to share who you are.
I also bore my testimony for the first time in Spanish this week, it was maybe 30 seconds long, probably sound about how mine did when i was five, but i did it. It was way fun. Testifying happens to be one of the only things i know how to do in Spanish.
I didn't realize how much i knew until we were helping the younger district plan a lesson. It was a relief to see the progress that is being made.
We also got to hear friom Chad Lewis the football player on sunday. He spoke of a lot but, what i really got from him was to not take for granted any opportunities. During or after your misison and i am going to strive to follow those words.
I love you all and pray for ya everyday!! Remember that you are a child of God and that the He loves you.
Con Amor,
Hermana Ray

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